Outside, his mother his mother wailed, pleaded, and even whined for him to come out and eat his healthy stew, and his father soon joined the choir, shouting in his low, base voice, but Kevin just pulled out his headphones, put them on, and the outside world was drowned away by the music.
He had his oily, tasty junk food, and that was all he ever needed.Their family physician, Dr Jeeves, had always disapproved of their food habits; especially Kevin’s and had always chided them about it, at each visit, but in vain, considering the fact the boy simply seemed to blow up every time they visited the doctor, as though he had an air attached to him somewhere.“I’m terribly sorry to inform you, but Kevin is seriously obese, and his condition is going to deteriorate if you continue to let him feed on all that oily, fatty food, with absolutely no exercise.” After that, he rambled on about the how dangerous obesity was. Kevin simply hung his head down, wondering how he never observed what a chocolaty color the tiles were. Mmm..., chocolate, he thought. Meanwhile his parents were very worried. His mother let out a few squeals every now and then, as though she was watching a horror movie, and his father grew terribly pale. In between, Kevin’s ears caught a few words of the doctor’s as he listed out the effects of obesity. “Serious breathing problems like sleep apnea, which is the shortage of breath which occurs when a person is sleeping; Sudden and sharp pain in the limbs, cardiovascular pains, diabetes and even cancer.” he said. The doctor then dished out orders for a complete revamp of Kevin’s lifestyle-including some foods which seemed highly unpalatable-foods like broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower, lettuce, celery…….the list seemed to be endless! And the amount of exercise he had to do – an hour a day! Kevin didn't like the sound of it one bit.He would then ring up his friends who worked at the nearby fast food joints, to bring it over. His friend would then climb the fire escape up to his room window, pass on the junk food and would be paid handsomely. No, you can never separate Kevin Mackenzie from his junk food !This was the everyday situation at Kevin Mackenzie’s house. Kevin, was a lazy, lethargic, and highly overweight 14-year-old. His daily schedule-besides school- was to sit idle in front of the television, for hours together or playing video games at all unearthly hours of the day with a constant flow of oily, greasy snacks to comfort him. He had zero exercise, had eaten broccoli and carrots only when he was but a baby, because then he wasn't as aware of what went in his mouth, and seriously lived on fast food. He was bright kid turned slow and feeble-minded by the food he ate, and would most probably win the worldwide award for the best and laziest couch potato ever.Every few months, the Mackenzie’s went for a routine check-up at their local clinic. 
This visit proved to be a very serious one. After the general weight check-up, Dr Jeeves informed them of the terrible news.
The ride home was a very silent one, unless you consider his mother’s constant sniffling. Personally, Kevin spurned the idea of him being obese and all- he just thought the doctor was trying to brainwash his parents into feeding him that (he shuddered) ‘healthy stuff’. In his heart of hearts, Kevin vowed that he would not, NOT EVER, let that food touch his taste buds, NO WAY!In the weeks that followed, all hell broke loose at the Mackenzie’s. Or at least to Kevin, it did. His parents stripped him of all his pocket money, so he couldn't buy any more junk food. Lots of shouting ensued, mostly on Kevin’s part. The next drastic measure was that all the oil-filled, cholesterol rich food and fatty sugary foods were mercilessly thrown out. Kevin was appalled. How could his parents take that doctor so seriously ??But Kevin hadn't lost all hope, not yet. You see he could be very clever and cunning, when it came to ways to procure his unhealthy junk without his parents knowledge. He had no pocket money- so what? Kevin was smart enough to have saved every penny his Nanna had ever bestowed upon him, in large pickle jar, hidden in one of the dirtiest corners of his room. 
This process continued, and Kevin kept true to his word and touched not a single vegetable. Life seemed back to normal. Or was it ?
It was a few months after this that the disastrous events began to unfold. Every other night or so, he began to experience sleep apnea, which, you will probably remember from before. Sleep apnea is the shortage in breath experienced when one is sleeping, and is almost always an effect of obesity. Well, Kevin was huffing and puffing almost each night, and soon, the world began to spin, and his head ached too and he was rushed to the hospital. He had the ’sudden limb pains’ the doctor had foreseen, and they were excruciating. If each day was hell, he didn't know what to describe night as. Kevin soon became one of the hospital’s most frequent patients. He was drowsy, with his eyelids scarily half open- due to the medication- most of the time, but when the pain arrived, his eyes would jolt open, and his entire figure would quake and shake and would let out a horrible shriek summoning the doctors and nurses immediately. His parents were worrying day, and mostly, night and his mother was teetering between high anxiety and unconsciousness.After a few weeks, almost a month at the hospital, Kevin returned home, a weaker version of himself. At the hospital, he went through a multitude of treatments, which he could barely remember-apart from the pain they brought him, of course. He had become so weak, that he couldn't even ascend the stairs without his parents’ help. All throughout his stay at that cursed place, as he referred to it as, he was fed food that was all mushy and soggy and mud-like, and tasted like, well, it tasted just like it looked. Kevin realised how his favourite foods had betrayed him. They had turned his life upside down. After he was strong enough to pick up his spoon to eat his food by himself, his parents and Dr Jeeves had a long conversation with him about the importance of the healthy food habits.“You see,” said Dr Jeeves, “If you eat healthy, nutritious food, we are not going to gain anything from it. It is you, and only you, who will gain an insight into the brighter world healthy eating will open up to you. Eating healthy food regularly, and exercising frequently, can control and slowly reduce your weight. You should follow a low-fat diet , for the best results. Eating a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner will help you avoid hunger spasms in between meals, which cause you to pine for your junk food.” Kevin winced when he heard the words ’junk food’. He simply couldn't stand them anymore. Dr Jeeves continued, “Eating healthy food can improve your mood, and the dreariest of days will seem sunny to you. It will boost your morale and make you more confident. It also boosts your energy. You would've probably experienced severe energy drops when you lived on your steady diet of fast food and sugary treats. Eating a balanced diet, with whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables can give your body the fuel it requires to manage your energy level. It also helps boost energy by helping you sleep better—it helps you fall asleep faster and deepens your sleep, And sleep seems to be a problem you've grappled with for the past few months”, he said, staring hard at Kevin. Then looking into his eyes, Dr Jeeves said, “ You, and only you, can change yourself , for the better by following your new healthy lifestyle or,” he said gravely, “for the worse, by continuing to eat that unhealthy junk food.”These words had a profound impact on Kevin. He never wanted to go back to that hospital again, and he could not even look at a French fry without wincing. He apologised to his parents for causing them so much pain and turned over a new leaf. He embraced his healthy food regimen set by the doctor, for whom he now held a new respect. He ate healthy foods with happiness, and was an example to his classmates and friends, who still ate fast food frequently. He exercised too, and became a member of his local gym. He learnt to prepare simple, healthy salads for himself, in case he was craving a snack. He realised how lucky it was that he was young, that he still had time to right his wrongs.Fast forward a few years. Kevin is at college, graduating from with honours in Mathematics. After he started eating right, he discovered his interest and talents in the world of numbers. He’s tall, lean, and healthy, and has not been near the hospital even once. He gives talks at his community centre to the obese, giving the example of himself. Dr Jeeves was right; he thought as he threw his graduation hat into the air with everyone else, life is definitely sunnier now.
The word food originates from the old English word foda which is a modification of an old Germanic word, fodjan, which meant “to feed”.
In this modern era, our food requirement has increased by manifold. We require more energy to move about to sustain us for the entire day. More work has to be done, more achievements to aim for and more population to feed. We as a human race walk 20% faster than we did in the year 1992 and eat 12% more food than we did in 1952. So, what is food? According to the scientific terms, food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. In literal terms, food is nothing but something which satisfies our hunger.
· Comfort foods- Comfort foods are those traditionally eaten foods usually rich in carbohydrates and have a very simple preparation.

· Fast food- Fast food is the food that is prepared very quickly, the term fast food refers to the food that is sold in a restaurant or shop with precooked or preheated ingredients.

· Junk food- Junk food is the highly processed food products containing a high amount of calories and a relatively low nutritional value.

· Whole foods- Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined or processed and refined as little as possible, before being consumed. Whole foods typically do not contain added salt, carbohydrates, or fat. ·

Many plants or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around 2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have several distinct cultivars. Vegetarian foods come in all sorts of variety like the roots,stem,bud,flower,fruit etc of a plant are eaten.
Vegetarian food is considered the healthiest food in the whole of earth and those who are pure veg usually are very fit and tall. That’s why many people in this world tell everyone to stick to vegetarian food.But there are bad points about plant foods also.Many people nowadays use fertilizers which is absorbed by the plants and then into the humans. This causes many diseases and even death.People also want to make fast money for which they use bad quality products. This also causes diseases.
Animals are used as food either directly or indirectly by the products they produce. Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from muscle systems or from organs.Non-veg food comes from almost all animals muscles. The most common animals are chicken,fish etc.More than 60 percent of the world is non-veg. the non-veg people are usually fat because of all the fats that they are eating. The bad points of non-veg foods are.All the diseases can cause real harm to the people. So we should be careful about what we eat.Therefore by all this analysis,we found that food is very important in our lives without which we cannot live. Thus it becomes one of the most valuable things in our life. So that’s why everyone should respect food and not waste it.
Fact: - Chocolate is one of the best stress relievers. A glass of watermelon juice or an orange before a workout can reduce the possibility of cramps occurring during or after the workout.
· Comfort foods- Comfort foods are those traditionally eaten foods usually rich in carbohydrates and have a very simple preparation.

· Fast food- Fast food is the food that is prepared very quickly, the term fast food refers to the food that is sold in a restaurant or shop with precooked or preheated ingredients.

· Junk food- Junk food is the highly processed food products containing a high amount of calories and a relatively low nutritional value.

· Whole foods- Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined or processed and refined as little as possible, before being consumed. Whole foods typically do not contain added salt, carbohydrates, or fat.

Vegetarian food is considered the healthiest food in the whole of earth and those who are pure veg usually are very fit and tall. That’s why many people in this world tell everyone to stick to vegetarian food.But there are bad points about plant foods also.Many people nowadays use fertilizers which is absorbed by the plants and then into the humans. This causes many diseases and even death.People also want to make fast money for which they use bad quality products. This also causes diseases.


Fact: - Chocolate is one of the best stress relievers. A glass of watermelon juice or an orange before a workout can reduce the possibility of cramps occurring during or after the workout.